Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ask President Obama to stand up for Christians in Nigeria

Today marks 100 years of the British colonial Amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria purely for economic reasons on January 1st, 1914. In the face of daily mass murder of Christians led by the Islamic jihadist group boko haram; over 10,000 citizens killed in the middle Belt region on account of ethnic unrest; the massacre of over two Million Igbos in the predominantly Muslim states in Northern Nigeria in the 1960’s; a 3 year war of ethnic cleansing of the Igbos for insisting on the accord of the Conference in Aburi that offered self determination to the Eastern Region and after over ten Constitutional Conferences it seems quite obvious that this FORCED MARRIAGE is not working very well.

Ask President Obama to stand against continued wasting of Christian lives in Nigeria and pressure the Goodluck Ebele Constitutional Conference to allow the Conveners to also debate the concept of a “united Nigeria”. It is currently being debated as happened in all previous exercises to foreclose or limit this topic from debate. To deny these public representatives the supremacy and authority to chart a way forward acceptable to all interests will ignore History and a resulting likelihood of chaos as happened in the Aburi Accord, when the Federal Government of Nigeria unilaterally reneged on the agreement. The fact that all recent Nigerian administrations of Babangida, Abacha, Obasanjo and now Goodluck Jonathan has called National Conferences evidences that this marriage is at a serious state of “Crisis” and requires a candid, open and unfettered discussion among the partners. The Igbos and Christians of Nigeria may not continue to tolerate this massacre much longer without trying to “save themselves”. This Conferences offers the best civic option to revisit the 100 year marriage forced on Nigeria.

Nigerian is lagging economically in spite of rich oil deposits. Properly structured Nigeria will be a meaningful contributor to the internal Community. Your voice will move Nigeria forward. On October 7th, 2013, President Jonathan inaugurated a 13-man Advisory Committee to debate and advise him on modalities for the planned National Conference with terms of references ... To consult expeditiously with all relevant stakeholders with a view to drawing up a feasible agenda for the proposed national dialogue and to make recommendations to government on structure and modalities of the proposed national dialogue and to make recommendations to government on how representation of various interest groups at the national dialogue/conference will be determined.

Charles Abiahu
(Union for a Better Nigeria)